About Susan & Testimonials

Susan holds a Bachelor of Arts in Women’s Studies from Michigan State University, a Doctorate of Laws from Indiana University and a Master of Business Administration from Simmons College.  Her past certifications are in mediation and project management. A retired lawyer, her legal career included non-profit administration, small business and family law, public policy dispute resolution and mediation.  For over twenty years, she served on the faculty of Lewis & Clark Law School, teaching dispute resolution skills to graduate students. 

Susan is the former Executive Director of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America, and a graduate of an 800 hour Feldenkrais Professional Training Program at the University of Oregon. In 2014 she founded the Feldenkrais Center of Portland.

Her interest in body-mind studies spans 40+ years and includes practicing and teaching hatha yoga, meditation and relaxation training.

She is a past faculty member of 200 hour Yoga Alliance Certified yoga teacher training programs and The Wellspring School For Healing Arts in Portland, OR. Her additional studies have included gemstone energy medicine and Bach flower essences, consistent with her highly intuitive approach to teaching.

To help increase her clients' enjoyment of life, Susan provides neuromuscular reeducation, gait training and gentle Somatic Yoga(sm) lessons to those who suffer from pain and inhibited movement.  Conditions include chronic pain, stroke recovery, sports injuries, arthritis, back injuries, insomnia and accident recovery.  Group and private Feldenkrais lessons are used as a way to improve posture and movement.  They are often used as an adjunct to, or instead of, massage and physical therapy.

She resides in Pistol River, OR where she enjoys meditation, gardening, walking and the little things in life!

She can be reached at:  susan.marshall@feldenkraispdx.com.
